1. The Case for the Winter Classic Jerseys
Let's be honest. The Golden Knights Winter Classic threads could've been... a bit more complex. Yes, I understand the reasoning behind the "Wild West" style. But slapping a letter on a white jersey and adding touches of gold and black seems like you didn't even try.
Plus, it didn't help that you were shutout in the Winter Classic while wearing those. Losing 3-0 in those threads will only inspire unhinged fans to blame the jerseys.
It's such a crockpot take that it makes one shudder. How can you blame the jerseys when no line for Vegas has done anything of substance? It makes me want to quote a line from Invincible so they can get their minds right.
Still, the jerseys could've been done by a child in kindergarten. They're just... there. It doesn't scream pizzazz or glamour in any way. At least the chrome helmets for the Golden Knights have that going for them. You can look at those and think, "Wow, the glitz and glamour on this team is unmatched!"